Over the past decades, the Netherlands-based MOV Foundation has made a strong case for educating girls in northeastern Kenya. Over the years MOV has initiated numerous actions to make education possible and to strengthen awareness that education is crucial for a better future.

MOV has worked closely with NGOs such as Cordaid and Samen Verder. Also with companies such as Philips and ASML. Occasionally we worked on water, health and infrastructure projects.

The MOV ensured that more than 300 girls in northeastern Kenya were able to attend secondary school. In addition, approximately 50 girls followed a university or higher professional education. About a third of the total of 350 young women now have a job – in teaching, ICT, accountancy, marketing, with the police or in a hospital.

A school diploma does not mean a job yet. Unemployment in the region among young people up to the age of 30 is around 60%. That’s why the MOV, in cooperation with the local government and other organizations, is making efforts to help more girls find their way on the labor market. We set up our own projects and work together with The Signify Foundation (Amsterdam), Manpower (Nairobi, Kenya), local authorities, cattle/agriculture experts and tribal elders.

I want to contribute to Vision2030,
a program for the elimination of female genital mutilation.


Stichting MOV

Want more information?
Call Greet de Bruijn, +31 611 498 416
or send her an e-mail: greet.debruijn@thebitterend.nl

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